骨刺不吃藥能治好 (A natural appoach for Bone Spurs)
骨刺:不用花錢 運動不是壞事,試試何妨?
我媽腰椎長骨刺多年腰部經常痛,吃過藥也拉過筋一直 都沒效,後來有位朋友介紹"倒退走"的方法可以改善(不
用花錢),於是每天早晚都倒退走20分鐘以上,持續1個月 後真的改善很多。
紹給朋友試看看,結果也都有改善,如有這方面問題的朋 友不彷試看看,反正不用花錢。
Bone spurs are
little pieces of bone that grow on normal bone, like spurs, and can cause
terrible pain as well as limiting mobility in the affected area. Bone spurs are
usually dull (as opposed to sharp) and they do cause excessive wear and tear on
the tissue it comes into contact with.
"When my mother was 76, she had
bone spurs on her spine in addition to with arthritis and degenerative disks.
She became immobile and was in extreme pain. She received cortisone shots which
helped temporarily, but the pain would always return. She received every medical
treatment recommended by her doctors but nothing helped. She required assistance
on both sides of her body in order to get up from a chair and she would wince
from the pain. She was already using a walker and was headed for a wheelchair.
When her doctor told her that there was nothing else they could do for
her, she finally agreed to a natural approach. She started taking Walk backward
exercise 20 minutes morning and evening will strengthen the corresponding
muscles that support the spinal column there relief pain |